Delivery, flow, bars, hunger, ambition, drive, and confidence is something that I definitely look for when I come across dope talent. Sometimes, dope talent comes to me on its own and that’s even better. When I got the opportunity to listen to a guy, whose a dope indie artist named Poet Deep from Baltimore, everything that I look for in talent was definitely heard through this guy. Along with everything this guy has in voice and sound, there’s also self consciousness, there’s aggression, there’s wanting and fighting for a change, a revolution, this is what hip hop is all about. Of course we need our balance of the positive and negatives but there is no balance today. We need more Poet Deep’s if you ask me. This guy is not all about the glitz and glamour, this guy is the real deal. Understand that we need more powerful voices to uplift and empower, more true talent, more positive voices in the game. People only pay attention to mainstream positivity, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because positive is positive but we need to show more love and support to our unsigned hype as well. Another thing about this guy that’s incredible is his wordplay. The way he uses words in his delivery makes you get lost for a second. You can definitely tell what he’s trying to invoke through his music but the delivery is so dope, you get lost trying to figure out how he delivers; it’s almost like a magic trick. Another plus, he’s keeps your interest. One video, two videos, three videos, non stop dope sounds of Poet Deep. Some deep shit to keep you in tune with him and it almost hypnotizes you to understand what he’s trying to do. Anybody that can start all of these things in me when I listen to them is truly a real artist and I’m definitely a new fan of Poet Deep. You can check him out at and follow this guy on Instagram @iampoetdeep. To not keep up with this guy, to not understand the message, to not feel what he is saying is definitely a dishonor to yourself and him. Fight the power, get into some dope and deep poetry with Poet Deep.
Unsigned Hype: Poet Deep