street line

Being an inmate in a city jail, a state prison or a federal penitentiary is hell to any person that is confined in these trying circumstances. Prisoners are sometimes subjected to violence. They are made to eat less than desirable food. They work for very little pay. The inmates are disrespected by corrections officers. Prisoners are treated inhumane.

This is a sad situation for any human being to endure. What is worst than that is the strain that an incarceration can put on the prisoner’s family. It is like the family is being punished for the crime that their loved one committed.

The visiting process is enough to make any loved one feel violated. Being searched to enter a facility feels like a complete violation. Family members tend to feel degraded when we are asked to remove socks and shoes, shake out our bras and then wait until the loved one is produced which can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Sometimes these visits can be as short as an hour. Exiting the facility and leaving your loved one behind is a very painful feeling.

Although inmates are allowed to communicate with loved ones by phone, mail and email the communication process is still not adequate. Inmates are at times restricted from using the phones. Loved ones of those incarcerated are in need of constant communication. The communication is what eases the fear that we have of the unknown.

Not only is having a loved one in prison emotionally draining, it is a financial burden. We have expenses and bills to pay. Now we are faced with depositing money into commissary accounts and sending off packages.

Still the realest victims are the children. Parents are missing precious moments and milestones. Although this is rough for an incarcerated parent it is even more painful for the child. Children suffer from feelings of fear, separation anxiety, loneliness and depression when a parent is incarcerated.

As adults we must be aware of our actions. We must be mindful that our actions affect other people. This is the world according to Regina.

Written: Regina Alston