The Boondocks

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On this date in 1999, publication of The Boondocks is celebrated. This is an African American adult animated sitcom. The Boondocks is created by Aaron McGruder for Cartoon Network’s late-night programming block, Adult Swim. It is based upon his comic strip of the same name. The series premiered on November 6, 2005. The show begins with a Black family, the Freemans, settling into the fictional, friendly, and overall white suburb of Woodcrest. The perspective offered by this mixture of cultures, lifestyles, social classes, stereotypes, viewpoints, and racialized identities provides for much of the series’ satire, comedy, and conflict.The first series ended in 2014 with a total of 55 episodes over the course of the show’s four seasons, the last of which was produced without any involvement from McGruder. The series also has aired in syndication outside the United States and has been released on various DVD sets and other forms of home media. In June 2019, Sony Pictures Animation began producing a reboot of the television series to premiere in 2020 with McGruder’s involvement. On September 18, 2019, it was announced that HBO Max had picked up the reboot with a two-season order. Each season is set to consist of twelve episodes.

Written Dianne Washington