Aubrey Williams Is No Ordinary Joe


Meet Aubrey Williams. This man possesses so many talents. He is an actor, director, videographer and a chef. I had the opportunity to sit with Aubrey Williams and talk to him. First let me begin by telling you that Aubrey Williams stars as the character Pretty Tone In the hit web series #848 created by author Antoine Inch Thomas. Pretty Tone is the second in command of the Clean Up Crew, a drug organization out of the South Bronx. His character in the show was diagnosed with cancer and successfully beat the horrible disease. Not only did Aubrey Williams bring cancer awareness to the viewers through the show he also supports cancer awareness in real life. I inquired about his passion to bring cancer awareness. Sadly he informed me that he loss his mother to cancer. Aubrey Williams is a huge supporter of cancer awareness. In fact he participates in the cancer walk every year where you can catch him wearing cyst designed #848 gear. Yes he does that too! In fact Aubrey Williams along with his #848 cast members put on the first annual #848 Fashion Show at Barcelona Bites. At the fashion show mode ls show cased new #848 gear that is available for purchase. The fashion show was hosted by the cast of the #848 web series. The show also included guess performances by Songlist and Medallion Drew. To add to the list of accomplishments Aubrey Williams brought home the award for Best Visual Effects at the first annual Urban Web Series awards. Williams’ role in the web series is not just the character Pretty Tone. He is also the director and videographer for the hit show. Williams explained that he has the freedom to be creative with the series. I asked him what professionals he would like to work with in the future. He listed a host of phenomenal people in the entertainment industry including Denzel Washington and Steven Spielberg. Just when you thought he is done he is only getting started. Aubrey Williams is also a chef. A professional caterer that is easy to Google Food By Chef Aubrey is his local catering business for all occasions. Williams informed me that he made his very first Thanksgiving speed at the age of twenty years old. With all of this to add to his list of great qualities is his great personality and humble spirit.


Written by Regina Alston



Project Heat Presents The First Annual Urban Web Series Awards

The first annual urban web series awards will be held this Friday, January 20th. I had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Tiffan Dunn better known as Pop from the hit web series Project Heat. We spoke about the first annual web series awards and what’s up next for Project Heat.
For those do not know Project Heat is a web series about life in the projects in Brooklyn. As the show opens up while the theme song is playing a news article appears showing the article of the man shot by a rookie officer in Brooklyn’s Pink Houses. Dunn described the murdered man as a very great individual. Although Project Heat was already coming to be Dunn decided to add that article so that the young man’s legacy would not be forgotten. This story was used to open up the first season and first episode of the web series. In fact that is what Project Heat is all about. Dunn confirmed that Project Heat is stories from his life as well as others that he knows that will never get to tell their story. Dunn mentioned that the theme song to Project Heat is performed by Mona better known as Ma Barker who happens to be Kool G. Rap’s baby mama.
Dunn went on to create Project Heat Atlanta in 2016 with the first episode dropping on Thanksgiving Day. The Atlanta version of Project Heat is a collaboration between Pop and the gentleman that plays his cousin Stuff who is very well known in ATL. The stories in Project Heat Atlanta actually collaborates with the stories from Project Heat New York. Dunn confirmed that he will be doing Project Heat Houston and Los Angeles in the near future. Dunn also spoke about another series he will be working on called Back Page. Back Page will be focused on the issues women face in day to day life. He will also be putting out a movie titled A Dangerous Love Affair.
Dunn described his character Pop in Project Heat as the quiet guy that moves into the projects that gets caught up in all kinds of things that was not happening before he got there. Pop gets caught up and ends up taking over the caveman side in the absence of his partner who had been recently imprisoned. As leader of the caveman side Pop ends up in beef with the Selwyn boys out of the Bronx. He also has beef with the Hollywood side which is right on the other side of the projects.
As far as the Urban web series awards goes Project Heat has laid the foundation for this triumphant event that will celebrate the men and women who have worked so hard to bring a new form of entertainment to the world. Due to the fact that Dunn is the founder of the web series awards Project Heat was not eligible for a nomination in the award show. Instead, they will be receiving an acheivment award tobrecognize the hard work and dedication that they have put forth. This action was taken to avoid biases that could have possibly come about. The urban web series awards will be hosted by comedian Ray Dayjon and the awards will be presented by the ladies of Project Heat. There will be performances by Phresher, M.O.P and Smith N Wesson. There will also be a performance from a surprise artist that has a hit single out right now.
Written by Regina Alston



Antoine “Inch” Thomas began writing in the summer of 2003. The soon to be best selling author quit rapping to pen his first novel No Regrets. No Regrets is a work of fiction loosely based on the his own life.
Antoine “Inch” Thomas has written four full length novels titled Flower’s Bed, Black Rose’s, No Regrets and Unwilling To Suffer. He has also contributed to two anthologies That Gangsta Shit volumes 1 and 2. Thomas has also cowritten several novels and a few screen plays. He noted that some of his favorite authors are John Grisham, James Patterson, Donald Goines, Sister Souljah and Guy Johnson.
Mr. Thomas informed me that “The inspiration for my stories come from the inner citytrials and tribulations of everyday life”. He went on to explain “If a young man is selling drugs in the neighborhood, there’s a reason within his childhood why he’s engaged in such behavior. If a female is very promiscuous, it stems from somewhere in the household.
Antoine “Inch” Thomas is also the creator and writer of the hit web series #848. Thomas portrays the character Benny Bricks the head of the Klean Up Krew, a notorious drug organization in the Bronx. Thomas reports that his inspiration for the popular web series was generated by a combination of factors. Among those inspirations were his admiration for the television show Power. He noted “the excitement and anticipation that it brings. Empire and the rawness and grittiness as well as the platform that the web series Money & Violence made so popular.
In 2017 Antoine “Inch” Thomas will be releasing Flower’s Bed the movie. The movie is an adaption of the best selling novel of the same title. His plan is to get as close to the actual story as possible, but in a visual format. After Flower’s Bed hits the big screen, he and the cast will immediately be going back to work on the third season of #848.

Written By Regina Alston


Being A Mom To A Child With Autism

Being a mom is a very challenging job. As a mom your days really never end. A mom is on call from the time she opens her eyes until they close at whatever ungodly time that life situations allows her to go to bed. All mothers have demands on their life, however the life of a mother to a child on the autism spectrum can be a gift and a curse at the same time.

Children with autism are very different from other children because they learn differently. A mom with a child on the autism spectrum have to find new ways to teach this child that has a developmental delay that hinders the learning process. The education process is different. If the child is diagnosed through early intervention there is a wealth of services available for them including speech therapy, occupational therapy and ABA skills. These are in home services until the child is school age after the third birthday. Although mothers of children on the spectrum are pleased with the fact that the child is learning it can also be overwhelming to have service providers in the home on a daily basis. It sometime can feel like an intrusion on life.

At three years old a child with autism begins attending school after getting an individualized educational plan also known as an IEP. The mother than has the pleasure of calling schools to check for class availability and then begin to book tours and interviews for schools. This is a lengthy process. At times it requires taking days off from work. Once the child is in school the mother now has to be an advocate to ensure that the child is getting serviced properly.

Children on the autism spectrum are more prone to getting sick. The immune system of a child with a developmental delay is often times not as strong as other children. This can cause a mother with a child on the spectrum to take more trips to the emergency room resulting in May sleepless nights.

Some children with autism have sensory issues. The sensory issues allow them to be very energetic. The children tend to run instead of walking. Children on the spectrum have a tendency to sleep less due to these sensory issues. Their little bodies do not embrace sleep. So now mom has a messy home to clean.

These are all things that I have experienced on my journey being a mother of a child on the autism spectrum. My son who is now three years old was diagnosed with high functioning autism a little after his second birthday. I contacted early intervention because I noticed a speech delay. He is two years old and had a vocabulary of less than ten words.

When the service providers began showing up in the home it felt like my life was under a microscope. I had strangers coming into my home telling me to do things differently. The change was uncomfortable. They wanted me to stop babying my baby and let him learn to be independent. I didn’t realize the severity of his speech delay because he never needed to talk. I was always at his neck and call. I was making it worst because he never had to ask for anything. I always took care of his needs. Now it was time for me to let him learn to do things like a big boy.

When it was time for my baby to go to school I was overwhelmed. My baby was getting on a bus with strangers and would be with strangers for eight hours of the day. I was in fear. My son is nonverbal. My head raced with thoughts. What if someone hits him or mistreats him? How will I ever know? The transition to school was a really big deal for me. I am happy to report that school is great and my baby is learning so much. I see the progress. He is growing up very beautifully and doing such amazing things.

Although my baby is sick from time to time with colds and stomach viruses he is doing well. I am grateful he doe go to the emergency room it is never an over night stay. At this point he doesn’t like taking any kind of medicine. I give him a diet high in iron. He eats lots of fruits and vegetables. This prevents trips to the doctor because he is getting the nutrients that he needs.

My baby is a big ball of energy. He usually wakes up at six o’clock in the morning and is able to stay awake without a nap until at least 10 o’clock at night. He gets into everything and anything. His favorite pastimes are playing in water, going into the refrigerator, and bothering his older sister. My days are busy and my nights long. I am on a journey through life with a tour guide that has autism. I love my tour guide with all of my heart. I wouldn’t trade my life as an autism life for anything in the world.


Written by Regina Alston

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