Summer Stage 2016 — Joe Bataan meets SETENTA/ Joan Català

Summer Stage never ceases to surprise me.  Every year, across the 5 boroughs of New York City, the City Parks Foundation holds a Summer Stage for absolutely FREE. Free is a word that catches almost every Nstreet lineew Yorkers eye. It surely caught mine and every year, I’m always surprised at the different events that the City Parks Foundation  provides for us.

Today, I had the opportunity to visit one of the events in St. Mary’s Park, located on 3rd Ave. 149th street. The location was actually a bit more into the park, on St. Anns, between 145th and 146th street, on top of the hill. It’s a huge hill, and by the time I reached the top, I was out of breath and all I wanted to do was sit. What I saw though, made my energy spike. The Hispanic community, amongst other diverse races where there and everyone was having a great time, listening and dancing to the music that was being played. I took my folding chair and sat down and listened to the music, provided by Joe Bataan and SETENTA/ Joan Català . Even after wanting to sit down after the hill climb, I got out of my seat and started dancing, joining in with the others. There was so much love between the people there, with all the hugging and dancing together. It was good to see the different cultures interact so freely with each other. The music was in English and Spanish so P1140187everyone could have a chance to understand the lyrics. For the lyrics that I couldn’t understand, the instruments touched my heart and the music felt more universal than anything.

Today, the Parks Department won on this one. They really outdid themselves with the beautiful music and bringing people together. Even if you can’t understand the music, if you feel yourself dancing to the beat and feel your heart connecting to it all and the people around you, then it doesn’t matter.


 Joe Bataan meets SETENTA/ Joan CatalàWritten by Bobbi Cordero