The Ever Failing System

A considerable amount of American citizens live a life of poverty. Some are impoverished due to unemployment, some are disabled, others earn low wages. They are all impoverishment none the less. The American government created social service agencies to assist these vulnerable citizens in life or at least that is the claim.

In New York State The Department of Human Resource Administration is the agency that was appointed to assist low income families that are living in poverty. This is a system that is failing miserably. Let me explain further.

The ultimate goal of the Human Resource Administration is to provide temporary assistance to needy citizens of New York State. This hardly ever happens. Instead HRA creates dependency for some.

The Back To Work program is inadequate! The program does work for some but the reality is that very few public assistance recipients find work while attending the Back To Work program. In my opinion the purpose of the Back To Work Program is to justify the modern day slavery that is called the Work Experience Program or WEP.

The Work Experience Program does not benefit the public assistance recipient. In fact the recipient skills, qualifications, certifications and interest are never evaluated when issuing these WEP assignments. A computer randomly picks an assignment in a location that is not more than an hour away in traveling time.

When a public assistance recipients is fortunate enough to obtain employment they are deterred. The Human Resource Administration makes returning to work inconvenient. A person who is recently employed must now take days off from work to respond to mandatory appointments. If this is not enough child care sometimes lapse for working parents because someone neglected to file the paperwork properly. Even worse than that a working person can have issues with housing due to departmental errors.

This is bureaucracy intended to keep the impoverished depended on a failing system.

Written by: Regina Alston