On Sunday, May 21st in the heart of New York City’s  greatest landscape, Central Park, GMHC hosted it’s annual AIDS WALK. Every year for the past 17 years, GMHC has sponsored the NYC AIDS Walk. GMHC is the world’s first and leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy. Building on decades of dedication and expertise, they understand the reality of HIV/AIDS and empower a healthy life for all.

My personal journey with HIV/AIDS started 25 years ago. At the age of 18 my Beloved mother Destiny Michelle Portier broke the news to our family that she was indeed infected with HIV. After the initial shock and all the tears were cried, the fact remained she was HIV Positive. My mother was 42 when diagnosed, we never knew how long she was infected before her actual diagnosis. For the next three years there were ups and downs in her health and emotional state, through it all I wondered why her, she was a great mother, provider and teacher. What did she do for God to punish her in this fashion? Note that My mother Michelle, stop using intravenous drugs 2 plus years prior to her diagnosis. It was a lot to handle as a 18 year old young man who basically was the man of the house with 4 minor children to look after. When she succumb to the illness which was documented on her death certificate as  Pneumocystis pneumonia, at the time I had no idea what it was or even how to pronounce it. Now, years later and better informed with NYS certification on HIV/AIDS I am now qualified to teach classes and groups about HIV health and prevention. I take solace in knowing because of my mother’s addiction and illness I learned and can help others who may be dealing with the virus and  I can educate people on what steps to take to keep from being infected.

The AIDS WALK has been established to help promote awareness of the HIV and AIDS epidemic. It also assist with support and encouragement to those who are living with the disease as well as family members and friends of people who are infected. To date, over 100,000 New Yorkers have died from AIDS-related causes. HIV is the third leading cause of death forNYC residents ages 35 to 54. In NYC, 68% of new HIV diagnoses were among men who have sex with men (MSM), a group that has always been heavily affected by HIV/AIDSand remains at high risk.

  This year, the weather was perfect for a walk in the park. The sun was waving from above as the breeze wrapped around one like a blanket, it was a perfect combination. The diversity of individuals were wide and far. LGBTQ, heterosexuals and gender fluid individuals as well. The walk starting point was at the 59st and 5th avenue entrance of Central Park. The route stretched upwards to NYC’s famous section, Harlem and 110st. Participants then crossed from Lenox Avenue, Malcolm X BLVD to Riverside Drive and worked their way back to the 79 st entrance of Central Park.
There were performers stationed along the 6.2 miles that stretched the walk route. Singers, African Drummers, Modern Dancers, jazz bands and of course live DJs spinning feel good music to help the participants get through the walk.
That day was one of solidarity, everyone there may have been there for different reasons but everyone was there for the same cause. BRING AWARENESS & TO FIND A CURE.

The different teams were many, however it was a camaraderie amongst the walkers. There was personal teams such as The Dream Team, The Frederick Walkers, In memory of Destiny Michelle and many more as well as non profit organizations and what seemed to be a whole church congregation. As people walked in memory of or support of the sea of red was a beautiful sight for a beautiful cause. It is estimated the NYC AIDS WALK raised 3.6 million dollars. These funds go towards finding a cure, assisting people living with HIV/AIDS and a sleuth of other causes connected to HIV education and services.

I ask do not take this one day for granted, please continue to educate yourself and others about this illness that can be stopped if we are educated and protect ourselves. #safesex #sterileneedles
Written by Sugarhill Sky.
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