Rodent episode 2

street line

If you had an opportunity to watch Rodent, Episode 1 than you would know that the show is packed with drama. Episode 2 is no different. In the absence of Hammer Thornton Vanessa Hollingsworth has been making some corporate decisions. She has been hiring anyone that came into White Lines Media. Felix and Niles are not feeling the decisions that Vanessa is making. Her excuse is that Hammer can’t be there because he is tied up at the moment! When she said he was tied up at the moment she did not just mean that figuratively. She meant it literally. She had the man tied up in her bedroom and was drugging him up. Thank God for his wife and two closest friends. They saved him from Vanessa but that was after Niles made a pass at Gladys. I wonder what will become of that! Felix has a problem of his own. Farrah came off of the elevator of White Lines Media and caught him lip locking with the new talent who is also  his new girlfriend. She gave oh boy back his ring and told him that she will see him in court after dismissing ole girl. At least Farrah was woman enough to know that it was not the girl’s fault.

I guess you want to know what is going on with Drew and his drama! His sister Khris called Pops over to the house. She had some really disturbing news. She is pregnant. Pop swore to kill Drew’s friend only thing is his friend denied ever having sex with Khris. I guess it’s time for a DNA test. That is not all that is going on with the Douglass family. Drew is over at his children’s mother’s apartment when Pops walk in with a key. Before Drew even has an opportunity to find out why his dad has the key to the apartment Pops goes off on Drew about him being irresponsible and not having a job. Wait that’s not the end. Drew is in the room about to be intimate with the mother of his children while Pops is behind the door with his shirt off.

In Episode 1 Ebony told Porsha to find her own hive. Porsha turns to her mother’s long- time boyfriend Greg for a place to stay. Greg watched Porsha grow up all of her life but that doesn’t make him resist when Porsha uses her black girl magic to entice her mother’s boyfriend into sleeping with her. While they are making it do what it do, in walks Ebony with a key that Greg gave her. Imagine his surprise when Ebony informs him that Porsha is her daughter.

Meanwhile Krystal decides to go out clubbing with her straight friends Farrah and Michelle. They are hungover and asleep when Krystal hears her girlfriend Dime walking out. She wakes her girls up and tries to get them out of the apartment before Dime can get an attitude. All hell broke loose when Dime finds Krystal’s bra laying on the sofa. This is when Dime decides to smack daylights out of Krystal!!!!

I am telling you episode 2 was definitely something to be watched. Between the fight scene with Vanessa and Gladys, Felix getting caught by his wife, Pop’s in Drew’s Baby momma’s apartment I was on the edge of my seat. Khris being pregnant and the sex scene between the father and daughter was over the top. I sure cannot wait for Episode 3. This is definitely All my Children In The Hood.

Written By: Regina Alston