Quintin Xavier Drakeford

street line

Quintin Xavier Drakeford, also known as Quintin.X is an up and coming author,actor for Street Line Video, a writer for ShowTime Uncensored, and the owner of Q Xavier Publications. His journey through life has been dignified by triumphs and failures which he has brilliantly been able to recite through his novels of various genres. Black Wild & Untamed and Imagine That are two novels that were put out this year on Amazon ebook Kindle along with Poems from the Urban Sun. His truthful way of looking at life in general, lends credibility to his powerful dictations because they are all heart felt and relevant to us struggling in a society intent on destroying us. He will be well known in a few years but here’s your chance to meet with him personally. Go to his website Q Xavier Publications or send him an email at qxavierpublications@gmail.com