Panorama Music Festival 2017: A Tribe Called Quest

street line

Yesterday, I was fortunate to have experienced yet another great show. It was the show I’ve been waiting to attend for a while now and I finally got that. For about two years now, I’ve been a heavy A Tribe Called Quest fan and I got the chance to meet them exactly two years ago at a clothing shop downtown. Then, unfortunately, Phife Dawg passed away eight months after I met them and it was very devastating and hard for me, then there was the memorial for Phife a month after that, then there was the street name dedication for Phife and the pop up shop last year in November. Attending all of these things have led up to finally seeing them live on stage, thanks a good friend of mine who had an extra wristband for me to go. I feel dumb now having doubts about going now thinking that the place was too far for me to go but I’m absolutely grateful and thankful to have one of my biggest dreams come true. At the Panorama Music Festival 2017 yesterday, there were people everywhere, food, concession stands, restrooms on wheels, loud music and of course the fans. Fans came out there, including me and my friend, representing with our gear on. A Tribe Called Quest didn’t come out until 7:30 that evening. When they finally came out, the crowd went crazy. It was Q-Tip, Jarobi, Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Consequence. Song after song, classic after classic, these guys were amazing. It was a dream come true for me. I’m still numb and in shock from seeing these guys literally on stage in front of me, I just wish I was closer to the front of the stage but I still had an amazing time. Phife Dawg‘s Face was on the screen the whole time too while his verses came on on the songs. I left that show on a different kinda high I never experienced before. It was something powerful that the guys left in me. Something that may spark a new kinda motivation for me to want to be the one on that stage making and performing dope, timeless music. ATCQ forever! Rest In Peace Phife Dawg!