Lowdown Hudson Music Fest: Common


I’ve gotten another dope experience yesterday, downtown, attending this event called the Lowdown Hudson Music Fest. Yesterday’s lineup was this cool chick named Lion Babe and the legendary Common. Common’s show was exactly what I thought it would be. He has the same exact energy on the stage as he does on his songs. It’s political, it’s deep stuff, it’s showing love and appreciation to the ladies, it’s fun, all at the same time. You can feel where Common is coming from. He’s exactly the “what you see is what you get” type, nothing sugarcoated or fake. I wasn’t able to get anymore clips or videos of him when he really started to dig more and perform some of my personal favorites of him but the show was amazing. There’s nothing like a dope hip hop show but it’s even better when it’s the right place and the right people. Felt like there’s a mixed crowd at this show particularly. There’s the hip hop fans and then there’s the people just there just because it’s a show but the messages in Common’s music was loud and clear to everyone. He’s from the South side of Chicago, he’s definitely one of the realest left in the game for sure.