Looks Like a Job For…: The 25th Anniversary

The man that we all once knew in the beginning was a smooth talking, ladies lover with a slight touch that could make a woman melt in her seat or sweep her off her feet but then as time goes on, there’s a new side of this man that shows a more aggressive, street side. He went from suits and gold jewelry to tied up bandanas, baggy hoodies and jeans and more hardcore raps and beats. On May 25th, 1993, that man we all know as Big Daddy Kane, released his fifth album “Looks Like a Job For…” A more streetwise, hardcore album that appeared to the homies on the block with a bottle of 40 oz. in their hands and a cigarette on top of their ear. This was a more rawer side of Kane that showed that he wasn’t just some sellout, Hollywood, Black man who had forgotten where he came from. Besides the singles, tracks like “Rest In Peace”, “Brother Man, Brother Man”, & “‘Nuff Respect” were all great examples of Kane’s much rawer raps and style. It was a completely big step away from the early Kane that hip hop fans are used to. Some might have thought he was only just trying to stay relevant by changing his style to fit in and not seem too dated but as a true Kane fan, it’s a sign of versatility and not just another “ladies man” album. The title alone represents his responsibility as an MC to flip the script and show a different side but many questioned if he has gone backwards instead of forwards. He came out flashy and then became more street and regular ‘round-the-way. It was definitely another job well done by the Kane.