It’s Sho-Time!: The Life & Times of Karine “Sho-Time” Thornton

A full time entertainer, businessman, and a man with the plan. One of the most hardest working men in show business today. The man who makes things happen and the man with the golden touch to give someone their own spotlight while still shining in his own. His name is Karine “Sho-Time” Thornton, the name, face, and voice of Sho-Time TV. The man you’ll see at the events always busy moving around. The ones who are never still are the ones who are making the most moves. Power moves. Things need to be done and things need to be on top of their game and he is definitely on top. Only reaching to the top further and further. Born on June 5th, in the Bronx, NY at Bronx Lebanon Hospital. A true Gemini. Smart, psychic, a genius, talented, driven, hardworking, the list goes on. Growing up, he has a really great upbringing, living with both parents in the home. His eagerness for success started when he was inspired by some of the world’s greatest Hip hop artists this world’s ever seen. His ear for Hip hop started in 1997 when he was influenced by Jay-Z, The LOX, and Eminem. His mother was also a big instrument in his intellect by keeping in books and watching a lot of documentaries. Sociology and Social Science is what inspired him to get a bachelor’s degree in Social Science. As a late bloomer, his late interest in Hip hop led him into the world of Smack DVD’s. A series that showcased battle rap tournaments. It was then when he had a vision and told his friend Tron about starting Sho-Time TV and becoming a successful media sensation. True to his word, Thornton finally met Smack, Loaded Lux, and plenty of other celebrities up until the point where he no longer had to introduce himself. Already making a name for himself, Thornton knew that this was going to be big for him but in order to be big, you have to go through some things first. Figuring out your lane and getting to it means making some mistakes and slipping along the way and not realizing them until afterwards. Although he has a knack for helping others, he does regret putting others in position of power of their own destiny even when they wasted his time and haven’t taken themselves seriously and putting their careers before his own. We all tend to get our moment of truth when things go left and out of our control. To grab control of his situation, Thornton understood that he needed to himself before others and only work with others who are worthy of the time and energy. With his platform now as big as it is, there’s no stopping this man. Years from now, he says he can see himself with plenty of more successful years, owning multiple homes, cars, financial stability and wealth, traveling the world, and building his empire, adding on to what he has already accomplished so far. They don’t call him “Sho-Time” for nothing. The man behind the cameras, the man on the phones, the man with a pen and paper, the he’s the man with the plan… MAN! 

Written by Jalen Hemphill