Hip Hop and…… Me

street line

I fell in Love with Hip Hop in 1985. I was only six years old. My mother took me and my brother to see the movie Krush Groove. The person who has inspired me the most in Hip Hop is Mr. Shawn Corey Carter better known as Jay Z. Jay Z makes music that I as well as others that live in urban communities can relate to. I hear verses and be like oh hell yeah. He’s talking to or about me. Jay Z raps about the struggle, about loyalty, family, hurt, pain and fears and those are things that all human beings can identify with. Hov raps about hustling but kept it real about the negative aspect of the game. He didn’t glorify it. He admitted that he did it. He also made it clear to the world that this was something that he felt he had to do. He proved to society how poverty is directly correlated with crime. He also proved given the right opportunity that anyone can change. Jay Z encourages through his music. He advises his listeners to educate themselves and stay informed. Jay Z really is dope. He brought Michael Jackson out in Summer Jam. He had Oprah Winfrey come to Marcy Projects in Brooklyn, New York. He also has a close personal relationship with former president Barak Obama. He is a musical genius. He fused Hip Hop and Broadway with his hit Hard Knock Life. Today Hip Hop is changing. These mumble rappers are popping mollys, perks and Xanz. They’re drinking lean and partying like rock stars. Everybody is wearing designer clothes, chasing bags, hustling and bagging hotties and thotties. It’s sad because I think about how young and impressionable I was at six years old and fell in love with Hip Hop. I pray for Hip Hop every single day. I ask God to send some really dope artist that will bring substance back to Hip Hop. Bring back artist that are active in the communities. Give us artist that will give back by helping others. Let there be more teachers, leaders, advocates, and activist in Hip Hop.  Let all of Hip Hop unite and become a mighty driving force in the world. People tend to forget that Hip Hop is the biggest and strongest culture in the world. It us the only culture the units every race, color and religion. I thank my mom for introducing me to hip hop. I love hip hop and I always will.

Written by Regina Alston