Haunted Hill 2016 Presents: Cypress Hill & Naughty By Nature

On the night of October 28th, 2016, I had one of the greatest experiences of my life. It was the Naughty By Nature/Cypress Hill Haunted Hill 2016 show downtown at Terminal 5. Last week, DJ Kay Gee himself direct messaged me inviting me to the show for free. I was so hyped and pumped about the show. Fast forward to yesterday. Last night, I got there around 5:30, the show starts at 7 but the show really started around 8 or 9. I spoke to the supervisor about me not buying ticket and instead I was invited for free. I got a wristband, went inside, told the lady behind the glass window that I got a free invite by one of the guys in the show. I hand her my ID and she pulls out an envelope and gives it to me. The envelope had my ticket already inside with another wristband written “VIP” on it. I go upstairs and wait probably another 30 minutes to an hour and then we go to the place where the show was gonna happen. I get there and Naughty by Nature merchandise was set up so I knew they was gonna perform first. Kay Gee walks out, notices me, points me out and gives me a peace sign. Then one of their men came up to me and gives me another wristband but this one was an invitation to actually get on stage right beside them during the show but I decided to stay in the audience because I didn’t want to lose my spot way in the front. I could’ve kissed the stage, that’s how close I was. Then, Kay Gee starts spinning a couple of classic hip hop joints and out comes Vinnie and Treach and we went ballistic in the crowd. They came out on “O.P.P” but I knew they was gonna perform that joint before Kay Gee played it because he played “ABC, 123” by the Jackson 5 and that’s the sample on “O.P.P.” Hit after hit, classic after classic, Naughty was tearing down the house. Treach even threw “You Down Wit O.P.P.” stickers and his sweaty towel and I caught both. I was too fucking hype. LMAO! At the end of their performance, Kay Gee walks up to me and shows me more love and I pointed at him and yelled “Yo, Thanks Kay Gee!” and then Cypress Hill came out. They tore it down too but to be honest, I don’t know too much about their stuff except for the usual joints. I was 100% turned up with Naughty, with Cypress, I was in and out but regardless I enjoyed the show. My boys Todd and Ashanti from school came through too and we us three left together. I left that show with a O.P.P. sticker, Treach’s sweaty towel and NBN skully hat my boy Todd copped for me. I also left wanting to cry so bad, I had the greatest time of my life. For my first hip hop concert, I got more than I expected and that’s what made it all so amazing to me. I still can’t get over all the love I was given by Kay Gee. Feels good to know that I’m being recognized for my love of hip hop culture. Real definitely can spot the real and I can always say that what Kay Gee did for me was more than real. This is definitely another hip hop moment for me I’ll never forget.