The Legacy of DJ Swanny River

For the first time since I’ve been doing these dope interviews on really dope individuals, I’m really proud and excited to do this one especially. This doesn’t mean I dislike the others but this one’s quite different from the rest. That’s because this one’s about a very dope OG whose been doing this shit for years. He’s a perfect representation of my favorite element in hip hop, which is the DJ. The DJ’s have always been my favorite in hip hop. They provide the sounds that can get the place rocking. Depending on the DJ themselves. Knowing the crowd is just as important because there’s a sense of connection between the DJ and the crowd. Just like the MC, they move the crowd, they’re the mic controller, the masters of ceremony, DJ’s are what gave birth to the MC’s, breakers, and dancers altogether. All thanks to the pioneers in hip hop, DJ Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash, Grandmaster Caz (the first MC & DJ), Grand Wizzard Theodore, and Grandmaster Flowers. If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have all these different techniques in which DJ’s use to being dope on the 1’s and 2’s. It’s more than just playing music too. DJ’s are also producers too. Ali Shaheed Muhammad, DJ Premier, RZA, DJ Scratch, DJ Khaled, and so much more have given us quality production as well as great shows on the 1’s & 2’s. Being an artist in the entertainment field, you meet so many other dope talented individuals and even through other people and then y’all get to know each other more and realize there’s this magical creative connection that works and then there’s permanent bond that doesn’t go away. In this case, this guy has been introduced to me through someone else. It just so happens that he’s part of this dope group and he produced my first album. His name is DJ Swanny River. Born as John Figueroa on April 5th, a fellow Aries, a Brooklyn native who grew up in the Brownsville section. Swanny says, “Growing up in Brooklyn was hard. I grew up in a poor, but happy family. My dad worked and my mom stayed home and took care of us. As the youngest in my family, my mother made my clothes.” New York back in the days was a very different time. The economy, the environment, the music, the neighborhood, everything. You’re definitely a product of your environment whether you know it or not. What you adapt to becomes a big part of you. Speaking of your environment, Swanny goes on about his early days. “Hip hop & House Music inspired me. I went to my aunt’s house for a visit in The Bronx and as we approached the building, that’s when I saw Grandmaster Flash in front of my building DJ’ing; he was scratching. As a kid, that sounded amazing to me, so at that time, I decided that’s what I wanted to do! My childhood friend, Bobby Simmons, taught me how to cut up “Good Times” by Chic. After that, DJ Grave Yard was born and as time went on, I got better at it. I changed my name to Scratch Master Swann and then eventually, DJ Swanny River.” That’s an incredible story! Very raw and organic how you actually seen a hip hop pioneer in those early days who influenced you to become a DJ as well. This was a time where there was no social media and internet access. Everything was outside in front of the building while regular people just did what they normally do everyday. Nothing planned for success just everyday living with a soundtrack to match. A really dope soundtrack always reflects the times we’re in. Swanny then tells me about what he’s done. His music and catalog. “I have several. My first real mixtape is called ‘The Hood Report’ featuring the great Blind Fury. Then came my LGBTQ mixtapes. ‘It Is What It Is When The Beat Drops’, Volumes 1 & 2, featuring my favorite, and still up to this day, LGBTQ rappers and a few singers. I dropped a bunch of singles after that with various artists but today, the projects that I’m extremely proud of are with my team, The Alliyance. They are the crème de la crème of this thing we call OUT RAP. We have a brand new project in the works. Our first project is called ‘Introducing The Alliyance.’ You can find that on all your streaming sites. Plus there are some tracks on those sites that are not on the album but guaranteed bangers. We also have a mixtape called ‘The Prequel.’ That you can find on SoundCloud, just search The Alliyance. Wow! Serious resumé right there! All work, no play. Swanny continues, “To be honest, in my music life, I have no regrets. So far, things happened just the way I planned. Some good, some bad, but it’s okay. In life, you have to take the good with the bad. That’s how you learn to grow and accept things and just keep it moving.” Well said! A great message for the people to definitely hear and take in. In conclusion, Swanny also says, “Years from now?? LOL! I see myself living my best life like I am now. No worries, enjoying what I do and helping the future generation of singers and rappers. That’s another thing, I love giving the young one’s advice and helping them with their passion for music. Only if they are serious.” There you have it! DJ Swanny River himself ladies and gentlemen. You can follow him Instagram @srmg_rwsradio.
Written by Jalen Hemphill