street line

BOOGIE BLACK MC/Hype Man known in Harlem and the Bronx. Born in the boro that created hip-hop in the Bronx- dale housing projects and the nephew of hip-hop pioneer, Disco King Mario, BOOGIE BLACK’s love of  hip-hop was a   natural progression. He performed at Stage 48, Inkwell, Oze Tavern, Golden Palace. If you never heard of Boogie Black he’s known for the song Half Past Three ft. Petawane, and the club banger Blame It On The Henny, which makes you want to go buy a bottle of  Henny. Then you would start dancing until you couldn’t feel your legs for a few days. I met him a few times at different events and venues. Also I got a good vibe from just being around him. It’s funny I was at an event in November when he saw me, he was in shock because I was dressed up. Boogie Black is a Leo just like me, he brings the lion out of him when he hits the stage and demands attention. Boogie Black “States The Facts” The fact is music lovers can prepare to   catch “the henny ghost” when Blame It On The Henny is being played on the radio or when you see him performing. You can catch him every Thursday at Salsa Con Fuego located in the Bronx or every Friday at the Inkwell in Manhattan. Boogie can be followed on social media Facebook Boogie Black holding a cup of   Henny and on instagram iamboogieblack.

Written by Jewels 78