Barbecue Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

cook out

The weather is getting nice out as the summer approaches. This is my favorite time of the year. If you are anything like me than you love a good barbecue. There is nothing better than family and friends gathered around for some great food and a great time. There are some things that can are certainly inappropriate for barbecues and there are some things that will definitely go without saying.

The first rule of barbecue etiquette is do not come if you are not personally invited by the host. It does not matter if it is family or a close friend. If you were not invited stay home.

If you were invited that does not make you entitled to invite others with you. Ask permission from the host or hostess.

It is rude to show up at a cook out empty handed. You should always ask what can you bring. In the case that you are told you don’t need to bring anything bring something anyway. A bag of chips, soda, napkins, paper towels and paper plates are all things that you can never have to much of. Remember that anything that you contributed is to be left there when you leave. Please do not think about wrapping up a take home plate if you have not contributed to the barbecue.

It is not necessary to pile plates up with food that you are not going to finish. Please finish the beverage that you are already drinking instead of allowing it to get warm and then going to get another one.

Remember when you bring your children to a barbecue that they are your children. So not expect others attending to watch your children. There are so many ways that children can get hurt at a barbecue so parents please be aware.

With these bases covered we are officially ready to barbecue. Enjoy your summer.

Written by Regina Alston