In a freshly new spring season where things bloom and blossom under the powerful rays of the sun, it gives a new meaning to life. A new meaning to life comes from manifestation and being powerful enough to make ones presence felt, understood, and respected. Speaking of such, we all know a person whose presence is always felt through their character and what they do. One particular person whose such a powerful and positive influence on others through what they do is a man whose an incredible and talented dancer. He lends his magical moves to others that brings everyone together for a day of fun and excitement while wearing his own brand. How original and fresh is that?? It’s very fresh and original indeed. A man whose the perfect example of this powerful presence and manifestation is Mariano Martinez, an incredible and talented dancer with a vision and a knack for being an inspiration and a beacon of light through dance. Born on May 18th in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn to both Central American parents, growing up, Martinez was an introverted child who was full of life. His full of life personality and spirit came from dancing in the Himalayas in Astro Park. His main influences as a dancer is Michael Jackson. Over the years, Beyoncé, Aaliyah, Usher, Ne-Yo, Missy Elliott, also have inspired his dancing as well as the works of Maya Angelou, Tyler Perry, and Bill Cosby. Dancing is his calling. It started as a spiritual calling from within. For him, it’s the “listening” aspect of what he does is why he loves it. This sparked a knack for using his dancing to motivate and listen more clearly to close friends and family. After joining peer mediation in high school, he got a job as a Listener at NYCYouthLine and year later, reached his way up to Senior Listener/Supervisor, which fell right in line with his undergrad field of study in Psychology. Later on in college, he joined a club called Rising Stars where he got to fully show his talents and help him grow creatively. Starting off as a member eventually led him to be a choreographer, model, model trainer, and then President of the Rising Stars club which is where he learned to do majority of what he does today. With no regrets, Martinez recalls slacking and procrastinating and only wishes to go as hard as he does today. It’s those memories that gives him the ambitious and drive to go harder than he once did. Years from now, Martinez sees himself franchising companies and continuing to encourage the youth and families all over the world. More accomplishments under his belt like seeing his brand, J Dove Productions, his teachings, and himself as a household name. His overall message through what he does is for others to reach their full potential because everyone is born with a purpose. No truer words have been spoken and of course by a person whose indeed a perfect example of manifestation and truthfully fulfilling your purpose. You can keep up with Mariano’s social media handles on Facebook as MarianoJDove & Instagram @mariano_i_am.
Written by Jalen Hemphill